Joseph P. Cribbins Medal

Joseph P. Cribbins Medal

(Formerly the AUSA Department of the Army Civilian of the Year Award)


The JOSEPH P. CRIBBINS MEDAL was established in 2008 as the AUSA Department of the Army Civilian of the Year Award. Renamed in 2010 as the Joseph P. Cribbins Medal it is presented annually to a current or recently retired Department of the Army Civilian of any component in recognition of their exemplary service to the U. S. Army, significant contributions to AUSA and the local community.


  1. Awarded annually for exemplary service to the US Army and the local community. (Exemplary performance of normal duties alone will not justify award).
  2. Current or recently retired DA Civilian of any component (Active, Army National Guard, US Army Reserve) or;
  3. A regular civilian employee of another service within the Department of Defense (any component) provided that such employee has directly supported the Army and/or Army community.
  4. May be from SES, GS, WG, NAF, or any pay system applicable to state-funded Army National Guard employees. No grade restrictions. Outstanding nominees should not automatically be assumed to be those with the highest grade and most responsibility.
  5. Currently contributing significantly to AUSA, the community or both. Region Presidents will determine whether membership in AUSA is a criterion for nomination.
  6. Must receive the endorsement of the local commander at a level high enough to appreciate the contributions of all civilians assigned to the post, installation or activity.
    1. Each selected regional awardee will be invited to attend the Annual Meeting at the expense of the local command/unit.
  7. Volunteers and contractor employees are not eligible for this award and should be recognized by other means.


  1. For this award, we define Army Civilians as appropriated or non-appropriated fund federal or state National Guard employees who directly or indirectly support any component of the Army. They include military technicians in the Army National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve. DoD employees in Joint or Defense Agencies or other services who support the Army are also eligible (for example: joint bases Lewis – McChord; San Antonio; Langley-Eustis; Elmendorf-Richardson; etc.)


Previous Recipients

2008 Allen Tyree
2009 Richard E. Turner
2010 Leslie H. Carroll
2011 LTC William H. “Wally” Wallace
2012 Bryan Keith Roberson
2013 Scott Davis
2014 Alecia R. Grady
2015 Annette  G. Lozen
2016 Lettie M. Williams
2017 Margaret A. Tyree
2018 Command Sgt. Maj. Jesse T. Sablan
2019 Craig Hannum
2020 CSM Mark Sullivan
2021 Dr. James B. Martin
2022 SGM David Engbrecht
2023 Renita Wickes - Deason